Acclimation Before Installation
Ensure substrate, flooring and adhesive are fully acclimated to between 65-85 degrees F with a relative humidity no greater than 65% for a minimum of 48 hours prior to installation.
Subfloor Preparation
All subfloors must be clean, smooth and level to within 1/8” in 10ft., and dry. Dust scale, and loose particles must be removed. The surface must be free of solvents, paint, grease, oil, wax, alkali, sealing or curing compounds, and any other foreign material. All subfloor/underlayment patching must be done with non-shrinking water resistant Portland cement floor patching compounds.
Concrete on or above grade must be free of moisture or high alkalinity. A concrete slab must be cured a minimum of 90 days before performing moisture tests prior to the installation of your new flooring. The concrete may require additional drying time dependent upon local environmental conditions.
All plywood subfloors must be covered with a minimum ¼” or heavier underlayment rated panels.
Existing resilient flooring should be removed. If it is not possible to remove the existing resilient floor covering and it is only one layer, then the existing flooring must be covered with an Embossing Leveler.
Floors with radiant heating systems are adequate as long as the floor temperature never exceeds 85 degrees. The heating system should be operating at least 1 week prior to the flooring installation to remove any residual moisture.
Ceramic Tile should be made smooth with cementitious patching or leveling compounds.
- Inspect the planks for blemishes or defects.
- For the best result, begin by installing planks from the center of the room. Measure and mark at the center point of each end wall. Connect the center points with a chalk line or a straight edge and pencil. Locate the center of this line and mark a second line at a right angle.
- Place a row of tiles along the chalk line from the center point to the wall.
- Measure the space between the last full tile and the wall. For the best appearance, border planks should be at least 3” (1/2 of a full tile) wide. If it is not, snap a new parallel chalk line 3” from the original center line. Repeat this procedure with the perpendicular guideline and adjust it if required. The point where the new chalk lines cross is your starting point for installing planks.
- Follow all guidelines for appropriate trowels and application methods as set forth by the adhesive manufacturer. Spread the adhesive in the manner instructed by the adhesive manufacturer.
- Starting at your “center point”, carefully place a plank at the intersection of the guidelines. Continue installing planks along the center line. Firmly press the plank in place. Place each plank snugly against a previously installed plank, making sure the corners meet. Each row should be offset by a minimum of 6” but in a random fashion for best appearance. Avoid establishing a repeating pattern.
- When installing border planks, start by placing a border plank(“Plank1”) precisely over a plank in the row closest to the wall. Now lay another plank (“Plank 2”) tightly against the wall and overlapping “Plank 1”. Mark “Plank 1” with a pencil line drawn against “Plank 2”. Cut the plank with the knife score and snap method or with a heavy duty tile cutter, cut “Plank 1” along the line and position it in the border space.
- To properly fit tiles around doorjambs, pipes or other obstructions, cut a paper pattern and trace on the face of a tile. Cut the tile and make sure it fits into place before installing.
- Clean any excess adhesive from the face of the tile immediately following the installation. After installation, roll the floor with at least 100Lb roller, if you do not have a roller, use a rolling pin and your body weight. Do not wash your new floor for 48 hours after installation.
Floor Maintenance
- Regularly sweep or vacuum the floor using the appropriate vacuum attachment.
- Immediately clean up spills and any excessive liquid.
- Protect flooring from constant direct sunlight.
- Occasionally damp mop the floor.
- Do not use abrasive cleaners, bleach, or wax.
- Use proper floor protection devices such as felt protectors under furniture.